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If you are searching for a urologist dedicated to the art of performing a NO NEEDLE NO SCALPEL VASECTOMY, then look no further.   Dr. Robbins' commitment to a Tear Free Vasectomy is not just to minimize patient discomfort during the procedure, but additionally to provide a positive experience without hassle from the moment you contact the office to schedule an appointment to the final phone call you receive a few months after to procedure to confirm that you are sperm free. The Tear Free Vasectomy experience includes a friendly consultation with Dr. Robbins with a comprehensive explanation about the risks and benefits of the procedure, a convenient vasectomy date without the need for waiting on the day of the vasectomy, a top level No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy in 15 minutes or less by  highly experienced board certified urologist, a speedy and easy recovery period and of course access to Dr. Robbins at any time if you have questions or concerns.  . Our professional team including Dr. Robbins, his medical assistants and staff members are dedicated to providing you with an unparalleled experience when it comes to such a personal and intimidating matter.


​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.

Vasectomy Day Slide Show


1. Consult with  Dr. Robbins


Dr. Robbins performs hundreds of No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy procedures every year at our modern Biscayne Boulevard location in North Miami. A vasectomy is an office based solution for men with the goal of achieving permanent sterility. Although there are many doctors performing vasectomy procedures in Miami, few have the experience and dedication that Dr. Robbins has in helping men to achieve sterility by performing a world class No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy procedure.  At Urological Consultants of Florida, Dr. Robbins and our team strive to perform a safe and effective, low cost,  office based vasectomy procedure while at the same time providing a comfortable and low anxiety experience.  


Vasectomy Definition

A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure performed in an office based setting for the purpose of preventing fertility by inhibiting the passage of sperm out of the penis during ejaculation by means of tying and dividing the vas deferens. Vasectomy procedures are highly effective with reported success rates greater than 99 percent. Vasectomy procedures are simple to perform by trained urologists and low risk when compared to female tubal ligation procedures. Vasectomy is considered the most popular form of birth control by males with the goal of achieving permanent sterility.  

Should you choose to have a vasectomy?

A No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy is an ideal choice for men who no longer want children. Nevertheless, the choice to undergo a vasectomy procedure is not a decision that should be taken lightly. A vasectomy procedure should only be chosen by men who have decided that they do not want to father any more children. Although vasectomy reversal procedures are possible, they are typically complex surgeries performed in the operating room under a general anesthetic and success rates vary. Additionally, few insurance carriers cover vasectomy reversal procedures making it a costly option. For these reasons, we recommend that men considering a vasectomy procedure take the time to think over their decision and consult with the people in their lives that this decision may impact. 

How is a vasectomy performed?

Vasectomy procedures work by inhibiting the passage of sperm into the ejaculate.  Sperm is created within the seminiferous tubules deep within the testicles. As the sperm mature, they travel out of the testes to the epididymis and vas deferens. At the time of orgasm and ejaculation, sperm is expelled through the vas deferens into the urethra where it mixes with fluid from the seminal vesicles and prostate to form the ejaculate known as semen. During ejaculation semen is propelled out of the urethra by means of contractions of the pelvic floor muscles.  

A vasectomy procedure involves dividing the vas deferens thereby preventing sperm from reaching the urethra to mix with fluid during ejaculation. Since sperm consists of only a small volume of the ejaculation, orgasm and ejaculation are essentially unchanged by a vasectomy procedure. In addition to dividing the vas deferens at the time of vasectomy, Dr. Robbins will remove a small cement of the vase deferent, perform mucosal cauterization and facial interposition to prevent the two ends of the vas from reconnecting.   Access to the vas deferens can be achieved my means of a 2-3mm access point in the scrotum obtain with the use of a pointed clamp to open a hole in the scrotal skin know as the no scalpel vasectomy. 

Myths about a vasectomy procedure

One common misconception by men considering a vasectomy procedure is that a vasectomy will affect erectile function, libido or ejaculation. A vasectomy does not cause injury to the nerves that control erections and so a vasectomy will certainly not cause erectile dysfunction. Additionally, a vasectomy procedure does not alter orgasm or decrease the volume of fluid in the ejaculation. More than 99% of the ejaculate volume is contributed from the seminal vesicles and prostate and the pathway of fluid from these organs is not affected by a vasectomy procedure. The color, consistency and volume of the ejaculate is not changed by a vasectomy procedure. Also, a vasectomy procedure will not affect the production or distribution of testosterone in the body and so libido/sex drive remains the same after the procedure. Although there are reports on the internet making the connection between vasectomy and the development of prostate cancer, there remains no statistical evidence in the urology literature making this connection.  

What are the real risks associated with a vasectomy?


A No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy procedure is safe and effective with minimal risk especially when performed by a highly trained and experienced urologist such as Dr. David Robbins.  

On very rare occasion, minor complications may occur and can include:

  • Bleeding

  • Pain

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

Rarely, a post vasectomy syndrome can occur which results in prolonged dull scrotal discomfort. This syndrome is typically self resolving within a small amount of time and relieved promptly with anti inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen.   According to the American Urological Association, the risk of chronic pain associated with a vasectomy is 1-2%.

How to prepare for your No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy with Dr. Robbins

No Needle No Scalpel vasectomy procedures are performed in our North Miami office under local anesthesia using a Lenis needle free injector.  The procedure takes under 15 minutes to perform and is well tolerated by our patients.  We typically prescribe a single dose of Valium to be taken 1 hour prior to the planned vasectomy to prevent patient anxiety during the procedure. It is not uncommon that patients fall asleep during the vasectomy procedure.  Patients are also given a prescription for antibiotics to take with the Valium one hour prior to the procedure.  No preoperative testing or laboratories are necessary since general anesthesia is not needed.  We ask the patients to shave as best as they can the night prior to the vasectomy.  We additionally recommend to patients that they bring earphones and an iPod or personal music player to make their vasectomy experience more relaxing.  
Before your vasectomy we request the following:


  • Wear tight-fitting underwear to your vasectomy 

  • Bring someone to drive you home after surgery (You are not allowed to drive after taking a Valium)

  • Clean and shave your scrotal area.

  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen or Aspirin 7 days prior

What to expect after your vasectomy

After a vasectomy, it is important to avoid strenuous activities such as heavy lifting, exercise or sexual activity for 3-5 days.  It is typical to have mild discomfort that can be relieve with Tylenol or ibuprofen.   Some patients however have no discomfort after their vasectomy.

Ice should be applied to the area indirectly for 20 minutes every few hours while awake for the first day to reduce swelling and discomfort. 

A topical antibacterial such as Bacitracin or Neosporin should be applied to the wound 2-3 times per day for several days. 

It is important to avoid submerging the wound in water such a in a bath or swimming pool.  These activities can allow bacteria to enter the wound and lead to infection.  It is OK to take a shower even the day of the procedure, but the area should not be washed vigorously or scrubbed with a brush.   

Since you will be taking Valium, it is important that someone is there during the procedure and available to drive you home. 

Contact your Dr. Robbins if you experience:


  • Significant swelling in your scrotum.

  • Intense pain.

  • Fever.

  • Redness in the scrotum.


Follow-up Instructions

A vasectomy procedure is not immediately effective.  There are still sperm that are left in the vas deferens beyond the point where the tube is divided.  These sperm are viable and capable of causing an unplanned pregnancy. Effective birth control should be resumed after the vasectomy procedure until a negative semen analysis is documented and confirmed by Dr. Robbins.  

A semen analysis should be performed 3 months after the procedure and it is important to have at least 12 ejaculations prior to the analysis to clear the tubes of any remaining sperm. 

For the first day or two after vasectomy you may experience mild discomfort in your scrotum or abdomen.  Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol should help. The doctor may also send you home with narcotic pain medication.

Vasectomy procedures should be performed by a urologist with experience in order to maximize your chance of a successful procedure and prevent complications. 


Please visit our Vasectomy Miami page for additional information.

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