David Robbins, MD is a board-certified urologist practicing in Miami, Florida. Dr. Robbins performs between 400-500 NO NEEDLE NO SCALPEL VASECTOMY procedures every year for men seeking a safe, effective and affordable option when they no longer want to have children. Dr. Robbins graduated with AOA honors from NYU School of Medicine and completed his general surgery and urology training at NYU as well. Dr. Robbins is passionate about vasectomy and has honed his skills and technique for vasectomy over the years to be able to offer patients a pleasant office-based vasectomy experience in 15 minutes or less.
No Needle
No Scalpel
15 minutes or less
Minimal to no discomfort
Speedy Recovery
Convenient procedure times
No wait on day of vasectomy
No need for follow up visit
Friendly staff
Brand new modern office
Board-certified urologist
Autoclaved sterilized instruments
Long term commitment to excellence for vasectomy
No regrets